
Welcome to Natta Tasha! A place for family and friends to see what I'm up to at home, in the garden, at my craft table and abroad!

Drop by to catch up with latest Natta from Tasha and say it quickly enough for a clever play on my name.

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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sunday Lunch and a Sun Tan

With beautiful summer weather, which we thought we had better make the most of, we started the Easter holidays with Sunday Lunch at the Bear and Ragged Staff. Am still full now having had warm chicken salad, roast beef and a very rich chocolate brownie! It was glorious eating ouside but the weather is set to change to the usual April showers tomorrow. Shame! Look carefully at Imogen wearing Charlotte's very cool sunglasses and you will see us in the reflection. That was me trying to be arty with the photograph!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Brand new blog feature

For my loyal followers, (that will be my Goddaughter in Spalding then!) I have enabled the facility for you to leave comments on my blog. Well I think I have! Try clicking on the comments phrase underneath the entry and see what happens! If I've messed up somehow resort to email and I'll ask my computer expert next time his three year old comes over for tea!

Basket Making from recycled materials.

Watch out I have been learning how to weave baskets out of old glossy magazines and wire. Had a lovely afternoon with friends rolling paper and tying knots to create sustainable baskets. After three hours had something that would contain something though it was a little lopsided! Expect an Easter basket to be landing on your doorstep soon. Thought I'd let you know what it is now so you're not taken by surprise!

White Horse Tour of Wiltshire

There are seven white horses in Wiltshire the oldest being around two and a half thousand years old and the newest built for the milenium. That's the one that is facing to the right, all the others face left if you look carefully. Anyway you will notice that there are only five photos, that's because I was navigating for half of the tour and consequently we didn't find a few!


We treated ourselves to a night away in a lovely hotel near Swindon and a visit to Avebury stone circle. When we got to the Stanton House Hotel we found we had been given a suite with a lovely big bathroom and sitting room. The hotel wasn't far from the Honda plant and therefore had a Japanese theme and restaurant where we had a delicious Japanese meal in the evening. The weather was sunny and warm for a trip around Avebury and a White Horse Tour around Wiltshire! I just had to sit on a stone called the Devil's Chair, last sat on with Grampy when I was quite little!

The Living Rainforest

From West Africa to the Amazon Rainforest in one easy step via Newbury! Had a wonderful day out with a school trip exploring two large glass houses full of exotic plants and animals. I took the binoculars along which gave my group an added incentive to look closely at everything around us. Mind you nothing could stop them looking very closely when we came across two tortoises at it in their enclosure!

Hibiscus House

Hibiscus House is a jewel of a hotel in the heart of an African village called Brufut. This is where we spent the last week of our holiday relaxing in the lovely garden and bird watching. This week I learnt a lot about West African garden birds and spotted some beautiful sun birds with feathers the colour of oil on water and the very special pygmy kingfisher diving in the pool. We were well and truly spoilt by all the staff and came away having had a wonderful end to our holiday.