
Welcome to Natta Tasha! A place for family and friends to see what I'm up to at home, in the garden, at my craft table and abroad!

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Monday, June 18, 2012

Where Next?

Off to Granada tomorrow in Southern Spain. First occupied by the Moors in the 8th century its golden period came during the rule of the Nasrid dynasty from 1238 - 1492. We're off to see the Alhambra, a palace built during this period to create the idea of paradise on Earth.

Science Museum Day Three

We had a later start today but got to the Science Museum with plenty of time to walk round the Forest of Chromosomes, see baby chicks hatch, try out gagdets and experiments to improve quality of life, ( I have Eygptian shaped feet like 49% of the population!) and eat in the restaurant! Think I learnt quite a lot about the human body, biology not being my strongest point!

Sunbathing seals

This is just what we felt like doing at the end of our long but wonderful day but there were restaurants to visit, shops to shop and a short walk back to the hotel!

Dolphin Show

El Oceanografic has Europe's largest dolphinarium where we watched a show with ten bottle nosed dolphins and a team of divers who jumped off various boards with twists and spins that the dolphins copied. They were well rewarded with fish, the dolphins not the divers!, and put on an amazing show.

Ocean Sun Fish

The scientific name of this fish comes from its resemblance to the millstones that were used to grind grain. It is the biggest bony fish in the world and doesn't have any scales but is covered in a jelly like mucas which protects it. It grows up to 3.3m long and this one was certainly 2 metres at least. They lay up to 30 million eggs and can weigh as much as 2,300kg. Boy it was big and ugly but somehow I couldn't take my eyes off it.

Wetlands Aviary

From the wetlands of America, the colour of these birds was amazing and we saw them in their nests too!

Day 2 Valencia The Acquarium

The guidebook says, " Immerse yourself in magical, natural surroundings where you can see the most surprising species from our seas and oceans up close. You'll see different marine eco-systems such as the tropics, the Artic and the Antartic, where you will find a great variety of animal species, even some that are unique to Europe such as beluga whales." It was a fantastic day!

The dark side of the Moon

Just in case you have ever wondered what it looks like because of course we never get to see it!

The sweetie walk!

Alongside the Umbracle, (a large covered walkway planted with local plants) was a collection of sweetie sculptures decorated with flags of different countries. We found the United Kingdom of course, though Mark complained about having his photo taken by it and moaned about exploitation of disabled people!

Hemisferic (Imax)

The Hemisferic is a unique and spectacular building that represents a large human eye,(from the other side of the photo!), the eye of wisdom. It houses a large sphere that forms the largest film auditorium in Spain. Bet they all say that! We saw a film about the Hubble space telescope and the space walks to make repairs to it over the last ten years.

Another view of the Science Park

Another view of the science park in beautiful sunshine. Sorry Spalding fans!

Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias Valencia

Our first little side trip this time to Valencia to the City of Sciences. This is a huge complex built in a two km stretch of dry river bed. There are five very modern buildings housing the opera house, Imax cinema, science museum, conference centre and the largest acquarium in Europe. All surrounded by beautiful blue pools and wide walk ways. We have a three day pass to all and plan to explore as much as possible.

Monday, June 11, 2012

We went back to this pretty picnic spot on our castle tour that the Sat Nav lady had taken us past on the most unusual route to Mum and Dad's on the way down here. Mark doesn't trust her any more so we have changed the voice to Daniel to see if he is any better! Something very sexist about women not being able to read a map properly!

Castle tour again!

This is our local one in Castalla but not a good photo. Will try to improve it over the next few days, it really does stand out better than this against the skyline.

Castle tour cont.

This one was ten minutes further down the road and much prettier I think. In Biar but only 802m above sea level this time.

Castle Tour (the beginning).

For my loyal followers who are familiar with "the tour" element of my blog e.g. the "White Horses of Wiltshire" and "Lighthouses of the Outer Banks", here is another special treat to unfold over the next few weeks! Castles of Spain! This one is in Banyeres de Mariola, 1036m above sea level and about twenty five minutes from Mum and Dad's. Don't ever expect a photo from the top, especially with the wheelchair!

Out on the ocean waves

Just to prove I was there too! No whales in the background.

Out on deck

Deck Ten was fabulous in the sunshine on Monday afternoon and we took afternoon tea while watching for non-exsistent whales that can sometimes be seen. I reckon they are all in Alaska where we saw then around this time last year because I didn't spot a single sign! have decided we have just been spoilt for cruising but are making the most of the facilities and have toured decks seven and ten and even bought a cup of tea in the cafe! There has been all sorts of entertainment during the day including a wildlife talk, a drawing class and various Jubilee quizzes.

Sailing away!

A picture of our cruise liner, ho hum!!!! This will be our home for two nights and a whole day, after that it is a drive through Spain.

Jubilee Rain on the way to Portsmouth

After filling up with roast beef and Yorkshire Pudding we left Oxford in the pouring rain to drive to Portsmouth to catch the ferry to Bilboa. I say catch the ferry, I have been billing it as a two night mini cruise but Mark assures me it will be nothing like our cruise to Alaska! Anyhow it's a boat, we're sailing and it's the beginning of our holiday and I have provisions in the new cool box!