
Welcome to Natta Tasha! A place for family and friends to see what I'm up to at home, in the garden, at my craft table and abroad!

Drop by to catch up with latest Natta from Tasha and say it quickly enough for a clever play on my name.

Come on in, join the fun and leave a comment to continue the Natta!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Fieldfares Galore!

This weekend was the RSPB Big Garden Bird Watch and this year the birds didn't disappoint. We had seven fieldfares in the pear tree, (and saw a further 12 this morning), two goldfinches, the elusive robin, which Dad keeps missing and a variety of other birds including a wren, various tits and the blackbirds. Usually when I decide to do the survey all the birds seem to disappear but this year was a great success!

Mark Came Home!

Mark came home last Wednesday from the OCE having been discharged from his rapid recovery care. We soon had the car packed up with an amazing amount of stuff that he had managed to gather over the last seven weeks and made our way carefully home. No more hospital visits hopefully for a very long time!

Monday, January 19, 2015

Baby Blanket

Baby Harry is already quite proficient in sending emails and sent this photo of the baby blanket I made for him with recently developed crochet skills! This was a very thrifty piece made up from my ever increasing stash of wool that I have had to relocate to its very own chest of drawers as it was getting so large! Now what shall I make next?

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Christmas with my LYFs!

Today we had a re-run of Christmas with the Loyal, Young Fans without turkey, tinsel or crackers but unfortunately not without the carol singing as we crossed the hospital car park on our way to see Mark! Fully stuffed from lunch in the local Hungry Horse we swapped presents, stories and plans for our next cruises before saying goodbye and the LYFs made their way back to Spalding.

Declutter Challenge Day 17

Now it is getting harder but am still managing to keep up with my daily totals. However I am having to resort to counting "things that I have used up" to keep up with the challenge. On a positive note am finding all sorts of useful things I had forgotten about, like these snow boots which I wore this morning for a walk in the fine layer of snow that we had. Also found a lovely pair of mittens from our trip to Norway which kept my hands toasty warm!

Baby Harry

So finally the waiting was over and here is Baby Harry wearing his fleece, doesn't he wear it well?! Now I just have to decide what knitting to subject him to next!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Waiting for Baby Sheppard!

First project off the needles for 2015 and I have knitted my first hoodie! As I write this is winging its way to Devon for the shortly expected arrival of Baby Sheppard any day soon. Can't wait to get news of a safe arrival. That's baby not knitting!

Declutter Challenge Day 5

Not sure if this really counts towards my total for the day as Dawn had already counted the two silver candles in her daily total for the 4th of January. However as she regifted the candles to me I am claiming them as two things for my total for the 5th!

Monday, January 5, 2015

It's catching on!

The challenge is spreading, in fact north to Duns Tew and east to Spalding where recycling efforts and cupboard turn outs are taking place probably as we speak! Loyal, young fans in Spalding (still loyal, though growing up quickly and not as young as they were when I last blogged for them from America) have recycled their Christmas cards and our Duns Tew Friends, (DTF's), encouraged by my efforts are starting on their cupboards! However my efforts were derailed slightly yesterday when I returned from a delicious lunch with DTF's with some candles and a Spanish tile that had been recycled my way! Now that's not in the spirit of the challenge, filling up someone else's cupboards with the contents of yours!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

De-clutter Challenge Day 3!

To be sung to the tune of "On the first day of Christmas...." On the 3rd day of January my true love gave away, 3 old curtains, 2 pairs of shoes, 1 handful of DVD's and a partridge in a pear tree!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year 2015!

The newly designed Natta Tasha blog officially launches with the beginning of 2015 ending a blog silence of several years where work got in the way of blogging but gave me many new friends and a couple of new hobbies! You know who you are because you probably received something homemade over the last year or so! This New Year starts with a challenge. For every day of the month I am going to reduce, reuse or recycle that number of things from an increasing collection of belongings or stuff hidden at the back of cupboards. Quite easy at the beginning of the month I am guessing but maybe harder when the date gets up into double figures! Today I have donated to the charity bag one handful of DVD's, (which actually comprised of seven discs!). Feel like taking up the challenge? Leave a comment to share how you get on!