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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Cowen's Gap

Cowen's Gap is a lake set in a State Park about 11 miles from the farm. We had the bright idea that it would be fun to cycle there, even though it was mostly uphill, meet the boys, have lunch and a swim then throw our bikes in the back of the truck and hitch a lift home. The ride was hard work but my new improved bike, courtesy of Sherwin, got me there in one piece although a little wobbly in the legs. 11 miles is a long way but with the thought of a hamburger and fries at the end of it perfectly do-able!

The boys were late, we didn't know why until they turned up in the car not the truck as the fan belt had gone as they left the farm. The truth dawned and no amount of hamburgers would make up for the fact we were going to have to cycle back! The 22 mile journey was only my second time out on the bike. It's still hard to sit down without wincing but I am proud to say I only had to get off twice to push.

We will be going back, the beach is beautiful but I'm driving next time!

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