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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Trip up (or was it down?) the river

We both managed to get in and out of this boat twice without falling in once! Amado paddled us against the tide through the mangroves pointing out over 24 species of birds as we went. My favourite has to be the pied kingfisher a large kingfisher which was speckled black and white. Also saw pelicans, herons (including the Goliath) osprey, paraquets and a yellow crowned gonalek to name but a few. The binoculars had their first proper bird watching trip! Saw oysters growing on the mangrove roots and actually left the Gambia and had lunch in surrounding Senegal. All in the space of four or five hours. The tide was against us on the way back again and this time going out so I had to get out and push the boat a couple of times with Amado in the shallows. Needless to say Mark sensibly stayed put!

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